What's Included in the Snatch Bottom Mobility Program:
Over 5 hours of instructional video content to follow along with including drills for ankle mobility, hips, shoulders & thoracic and internal rotation.
30 Days of "Press Play" and go along videos that are 10-15 minutes each requiring NO equipment other than a table, chairs or wall space.
Supplemental drills for each day if you have equipment such as resistance bands, lacrosse balls, pvc, barbell or change plates
You get UNLIMITED and lifetime access to the program content and you can complete each "day" at your own page (and not 30-days in a row)
24/7 Support - contact Snow at anytime to get feedback on a particular drill or if you have any questions about the program during the first 30 days (she will get back to you within 24 hours).
Program Results & Testimonials
Here's what clients of the program have to say about their progress!
Wow! I can't believe how much deeper my squat is now! I'm even looking a tad more upright. I'm definitely feeling a lot less uncomfortable getting into an OHS position. Thank you! Your program was wonderful.
– Meriah
Whoa. I feel like mine are so much better! I’m the one who is 4.5 months out of ankle surgery and I feel like the ankle imbalance is still there, but most definitely better than before. I was most surprised at how much better I got at frog pose - I felt I could seek a lot deeper at the end. I’m an L1 at my gym, so I’m super excited to incorporate some of these drills into warmups when we all get back to the gym. Imperial CrossFit won’t know what hit it 😂 Thanks, Snow!!
– Morgan
"Cold, my squat is still rough but I’m seeing way more progress in my upright position than I thought I would, and feeling way more mobility than I did a month ago (even if the pics don’t show it)Through the program I increased my mobility all around - I feel it in every step I take *and* my squat. This is the best thing I’ve done for my fitness in a long time."
– Evan
"Wow! I can't believe how much deeper my squat is now! I'm even looking a tad more upright. I'm definitely feeling a lot less uncomfortable getting into an OHS position. Thank you! Your program was wonderful." - Mariah C
"Hips internal rotation definitely improved now. More importantly, the very annoying pain I have been dealing with in the right hip (and for which I had been doing countless sets of various glute medius work with limited success) appear to have been resolved by strengthening the hips internal rotation dynamically!
Now I need to find something as effective for my shoulder internal rotation, so that I can finally fix my snatch turnover ;) Mashing with the ball and foam roller stuff is good, but I need something else. Thank you!"
– Artjom
I love that this program is short enough to add to my daily mobility and warm ups, and a good way to start my day to get everything moving. Everything is explained thoroughly and easy to understand. Love that I can already see an improvement in such a short period of time and it’s the first time in a while that I’ve felt hopeful for long term big changes in my bottom snatch/OHS position.
– Ashley
Your instructions are clear and the movements are helpful. I like the emphasis on not just focusing on flexibility but working on strength and stability in the mobility - been wanting to improve my OHS position but overwhelm with all the resources out there but I've been liking your Mobility stuff on Instagram and glad to be a part of this pilot program!
– Sakinah
30-DAY Program Guarantee
See or feel results by 30 days or get your money back.
About the Instructor
USAW2, CF-L2 & Pn1 Coach
Snow Charpentier